Dear Guests, we want to ensure the safety of all our guests and employees; hence we have put in place new guidelines to be followed accordingly. We have stepped up our cleaning protocols especially in high-touch areas such as remote controls, light switches, water faucet and door handles. We are using disinfectant approved by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), bleach and other cleaning products that kills most germs/viruses. We have enhanced our cleaning practices, social interaction and workplace protocols and will continue to evolve to meet the new health and safety challenges and expectations presented by COVID-19. It is mandatory for all cleaners to wear PPE equipment; that is the standard gloves and face mask, we also do a mandatory daily temperature scans of each employee prior to work. As you know, each person is responsible for their own safety as well. We are kindly asking before you check-out to ensure that trash is disposed properly, you will find trash chute by the elevator on each floor. All linens stripped and place in a pile at entrance door or in one of the bedrooms. This helps to reduce contact transmission of virus. We are taken these necessary precautions to protect both you and the employees. While you are on Vacation, we want you to have fun and keep safe!
Tips for Prevention
- Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
- Avoid touching eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick
- Wear protective gears -recommended, i.e. mask and gloves
- If you have been in contact with someone that may have the symptoms please follow social distancing guidelines and contact your health provider for instructions and notify us by calling 888-402-5155.